Status update: starting 1-2-3 Program

PBs from Strava – first two summer 2019, last two summer 2018

So, after a very unstructured and wasteful “running career” (7 years!), I’m about to truly start the 1-2-3 program.

I’ve decided to start at cycle 2, eg with a 4-2-6 progression. This is because I was already running up to 10 km per week. This is generally not advised 🙂

I’ve eased into this by doing 4-2-4, then 4-2-5 (the last 5 km just a few hours ago). Without really trying, I’ve ran my fastest km and mile twice in a row – last Thursday I beat the one from the previous Thursday.

I had never done short-distance speedwork before, just easy or tempo runs. I imagine that I could do even better if I did a 1K trial on a track somewhere, but I don’t really need that validation.

My goal for next year (possibly spring) is a Half Marathon. My next few months will be dedicated to increasing mileage with 1-2-3 progression, learning to pace myself using heart rate (especially since I run on hilly terrain.. pace cannot stay constant) and enjoying the experience.

I’m also fixing an old bike, so if that little project is successful I will be doing proper crosstraining on Wednesday and Saturday (which is also a great day for an outdoor trip somewhere).

In seven weeks I will do some tapering for my first proper race: a 5K at the end of October. The goal is to go below 30 minutes for the first time.

My 1-2-3 plan, with tapering at W8, 5K at W9 and recovery at W10

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